The Keeping Kids Safe program is a KIDS SAFETY EVENT which I learned about on 9-1-1 at the automotive dealership where we were sponsered at an area expo. The American Red Cross Display was there with several other safety groups. Let me tell you about the Kids display. First, the Keeping Kids Safe program is one of the best programs I have ever seen
http://keepingkidssafeproject.com/. Second, I had my photo taken, along with my finger-prints to see what it would be like to be prepared in the Keeping Kids Safe program as a KID. See I wrote a research article, that I think is worth reading about Kids safety
Listen, at the American Red Cross we can not prevent disasters from occuring, however we can be prepared and respond to disasters; like tornadoes, fires, or floods. Importantly, one of the items in our American Red Cross KIDS SAFETY Programs is to have an index card with you in your disaster kits, which would have "your childs name, address, and phone number with them." Then, in a designated place agreed upon with your family, you can meet them, after the disaster. This card in the event of an emergency, can be kept on copy at your school(s) and/or your home.
Again, I like the Keeping Kids Safe Project for everyone, because it helps families to "be prepared" in the event of a dangerous situation, that would be if something happened to one of your children. Listen closely, when I interviewed Policeman Mr. Matthew Reed of the Whitehall Police Department in regards to my research a key piece of information a police man is looking for is where the person who takes, or kidnaps children, meets children. That may be where he goes to the market, buys, gasoline, shops for cigarettes or beer or stops at the bank.
At the American Red Cross we say Prepare, Prevent, Respond! I like research and I am a American Red Cross team member.